NJ Saltwater Fisherman Forums

NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports and Information => NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports => Topic started by: wink_man on June 02, 2008, 12:46:14 PM

Title: Point Pleasant Canal 6/02
Post by: wink_man on June 02, 2008, 12:46:14 PM
Hit the canal early this morning, another lousy tide said I needed to be there at 3AM, so I was. Seemed like another typical day, except I had to be there in the dark. At 3:15 I had a 24 inch striper, another pretty fat one, they are eating well in the canal. Quickly measured, and a pic taken, and back in the water he goes.


Before full light I miss 2 more good strikes on the Fin-S, prolly because I was still half asleep.  Later on I get another strike, and it's a small bluefish, about 2 pounds, another Fin-S destroyed, and back in the canal he goes. Then I get another hit, and it's fighing pretty good, and I can't seem to turn it, a lot of resistance. Turns out it's a tog about 15 inches, that I managed to foul hook in the belly. I don't know if he went after the lure, or if he just got in the way and I foul hooked him, but I took the hook out as gently as possible and released him.
     Then I start working the bottom of the rock wall, close to the canal edge, but 30 feet down, jigging the Fin-S fish. I get a hard hit, and I am awake and set the hook properly, and feel right away I am into a real good fish. Fish is surging and fighting deep, no head shaking, and I say to myself I have a big striper for sure. My new light striper/weakfish outfit made short work of him, I was impressed, and I have him coming up to the surface, I am thrilled. He comes up and it's a big alligator blue, around 14-16 pounds or so. Now I don't want this fish, but I have a problem. I don't use my net on blues, and I have no gaff, and there is no way I can possibly lift him over the wall and fence with the 15 pound braid, it will cut right through my hand. I opt to work the rod and try to seesaw the line through his teeth to cut it, but it's a 30 lb leader, and it doesn't work, and he's hooked deep. Finally, the net gets the vote, as I figuered I might as well weigh him just out of curiosity, he was a big fish, and I was curious as to his weight, I hate to estimate. Besides, the net is due for a new mesh bag anyways. I net him, lift him up and all hell breaks loose, LOL. The wood extension handle, held to the aluminum handle securely by 4 stainless steel screws snaps right at the aluminum handle. The line snaps(it was frayed), fish and net go into the water, the bluefish swims off to the right, the net is floating towards Barnegat Bay, and I am holding a useless wood handle, LMAO. So I didn't land him.

I let the net go, I figuered it started life with us floating in a marsh on the back side of the bay, many years ago, when my kids found it. We fixed it up and over the years, it has netted many many fish for us, including my sons 13 lb. 2 oz. striper on the Memorial Day weekend this year. Hopefully someone else will get a thrill finding it, as my kids did, and fix it up and put it to good use.

The water was flowing to fast to fish where I was by 7am so I went to the mouth of the canal to check things out. Water was clear, a lot of cabbage and weed in the water today, with the hard runnig tide. Blues didn't come into the mouth of the canal this morning, the guys were getting an occasional blue. The blues were running up and down the river, the birds were working over them and you could see them breaking the surface below the birds. But they stayed out of casting distance of the mouth of the canal. As to boat traffic, I can only say I sighed a sigh of relief compared to yesterday, LOL.

A new(much sturdier) net has been procured along with more Fin-S fish, I'll see if I can christen the net either later this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

Title: Re: Point Pleasant Canal 6/02
Post by: mboy on June 02, 2008, 12:49:08 PM
Great AM and Story Wink.

Title: Re: Point Pleasant Canal 6/02
Post by: njdevil on June 02, 2008, 12:57:12 PM
 t^ Nice report, I always enjoy reading your reports, please keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Point Pleasant Canal 6/02
Post by: IrishAyes on June 02, 2008, 01:03:45 PM

When do you sleep?  ;D
Title: Re: Point Pleasant Canal 6/02
Post by: wink_man on June 02, 2008, 02:10:16 PM
t^ Nice report, I always enjoy reading your reports, please keep up the good work.


Thanks for the kind words. The stuff that happens to me I could never make up, I'm just not that creative.

Title: Re: Point Pleasant Canal 6/02
Post by: wink_man on June 02, 2008, 02:11:26 PM
When do you sleep?  ;D

Usually after deer season is over, and before fishing season starts, LMAO.

Title: Re: Point Pleasant Canal 6/02
Post by: njdevil on June 02, 2008, 02:24:10 PM
Is there alot of public access to the canal? 5hrug It looks like it is worth checking out since the sandy hook surf is not producing this year

Title: Re: Point Pleasant Canal 6/02
Post by: ped579 on June 02, 2008, 03:31:48 PM

Boy do you have a lot to learn.  The surf can not be put into a list format where you look up to find what is biting today.  It changes from year to year but the species you like to target will come along but not in your time.

It seems like the rhythm this year is a little off by about at least a couple of weeks if not more.  So if you were to target say striped bass you will have to figure late June to mid July for the cows to come through.

Plus you have to put the time into catching.  I am out at least 3 to 4 times a week at least.  If you can't make it during the morning (pre dawn) try at night (pre sundown to dark) the two best times to target striped bass.

You hear and read about people catching fish on a regular basis but read a little deeper, they are out there on a regular basis and still some days are bummers where nothing seems to work. 

Thats fishing...I have been fishing these waters for over 50 years and not one year has been the same.

Just take it a little easier and don't try so hard, have fun, learn and there will come a time you will get what you want.

Happy Catching


Title: Re: Point Pleasant Canal 6/02
Post by: njdevil on June 02, 2008, 03:56:39 PM

 Thank you for the info. I visit several fishing site on an hourly basis and all the reports I have read about the sandy hook surf is that it has yet to produce the way it has over the past several years. Please understand they are not my reports but reports from anglers who fish the surf every day. I read these reports to make the most of my time when I find the time to fish the surf(alot of family thing with a young family). So I do rely on all the reports I read. I admit I am some what new to surf fishing about three years, but I do catch fish. I am just looking for that edge that we are all looking for and relying and the years of experience that the members of the site have. I have yet to find a more helpful group of outstanding sportsmen and women who take the time to answer all the post, it is truly amazing. Thank you again and thanks to all of the members for your help and time.