Author Topic: Looking for a travel rod  (Read 14556 times)

Offline gymrat987654321

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Looking for a travel rod
« on: February 16, 2019, 07:57:30 PM »
Hi guys,

Long time no talk. Hope all is well. Even though I haven't been around (Haven't lived in NJ in almost 5 years now), I still remember all I learned from everyone here. I'm back for some more of your knowledge.

Can anyone recommend a good travel rod? The smaller the better. I travel a lot and like to pack light. I'm looking for something preferably collapsible or something in 4-6 pieces. I need it to be able to fit in a standard backpack.

Would love something around 6 foot, medium action, rated 1/4-1/2 Oz, or something similar. Basically your standard rod that you can use for just about any type of fishing. Something you'd feel comfortable using in the back bay for some fluke, sea bass, small stripers, and even some smaller snappers.






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