NJ Saltwater Fisherman Forums

NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports and Information => NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports => Topic started by: pilot2550 on May 22, 2009, 08:58:05 PM

Title: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: pilot2550 on May 22, 2009, 08:58:05 PM
Well here we go.  I thought that the bite was going to be real sketchy based on Wednesdays outing. I need to retract my asessment of the fish being off the clam and on the bunker only. So much for thinking you have the fish figured out. My sister Gail (now known as the Striper Queen) and I headed up to AH to get some fresh petro (2.65/gal) and take a look see for the bunker.  We had no such luck with limited bunker marks and could not snag anything.  Did not spend to much time.  Wanted to be on the spot to catch the majority of outgoing.   A call to a couple of my buddies on their success finding bunker in Perth Amboy came up Zero.  GK was holding some but the traffic kept them low and spread out making it difficult at best even for the best of netters! 

Striper Queen and I hit our spot without a sole in the vicinity. There were bass marks just south west of my destination so the hook made a quick decent to the bottom.  We were hanging meat on 6/0 and 9/0's in no time.  I passed the TICA (affectionately known as Tikki) to sis and let her know that it's super sensitive and would give her a good workout.  Within the first ten minutes she's calling out that she has a fish sniping around.  Like a master, she lets the first bump go by, waiting on the second, then launches a hook set that would make a tooth extraction seem like a walk in the park.  Wow, this girl has finesse!   ;)  She's pumping Tikki like a piston rod trying like hell to gain on the fish.  The outgoing didn't help much.  We see finning on topwater and know there's a bass.  The drag was still a hair loose from last outings washdown and I didn't want to mess with it with the first fish of the day.  Finally getting the fish to the boat, the net is out and a 29" is landed.  As it hits the deck, I'm looking at this bubble gum colored thing hanging from it's side.  How cool is this?  The first fish of the day, a keep and to top it off a USSWF tag to boot (number 520315)   w0woof

I'm working the St Croix/Shimano Calcutta that has been my favorite for fluking.  Took a little while to get reacquanted but I finally got in stride.  We continued to catch a mixed bag over the next hour or so.  Only a handful of skates.  A half dozen bluefish and bass mixed in between.  My contribution, was four shorts just missing legit size smallest 26.  Meanwhile SQ is banging away at the stripes with the clam.  A steady flow of smashed shells kept their interest.  She boats a 31, another 29 and I can't get one to the box  rgmn.  At 11, the current is beginning to top out and through the corner of my eye I see sis pointing the stick and hauling back again.  This time she swears she's snagged on the log she said floated by.  "sis, that's no snag, that log is pulling line out and runnig off".  She hands Tikki off to me and in due time a nice 33" is brought to the boat and netted.  Score... Sis 4 in the box one short, me... 4 shorts, none in the box.  We have a dozen clam left with a bonus tag and the bite cooling off.  Striper Queen breaks out a great lunch.  We polish off a nice salami sandwich and pickles  t^ and get back to work.  Half the clams are spread for chum and the new bait is hung.  Must have hit one in the head.  I finally get to contribute to the coffin.   We had a great day out there.  Quality time with just the sister who, by the way, can fish with best of them.  Back at the barn by 1:15 to clean Z'Obsession and cooler limit & bonus fish!   NICE  TT^
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: IrishAyes on May 22, 2009, 09:04:28 PM
Nice catch and report. Great job by the Striper Queen.  t^
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: Capt -Jerry P on May 22, 2009, 09:05:54 PM
Nice Job with the bass...

Nice pics and report

Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: Uncle Luna on May 22, 2009, 09:07:05 PM
Great report Pilot and congrats to Sis she out did all of us today. Don't know what your boat looks like sorry we missed your shout out today
But thanks for the try.  chrz
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: PeggyLee on May 22, 2009, 09:12:52 PM
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: pilot2550 on May 22, 2009, 09:19:32 PM
Great report Pilot and congrats to Sis she out did all of us today. Don't know what your boat looks like sorry we missed your shout out today
But thanks for the try.  chrz

Unc,  Maybe next time....Maycraft Pilot House.
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: Bucktail on May 22, 2009, 09:19:43 PM
Nice job on the family catch! t^
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: Pops Soul on May 22, 2009, 09:51:43 PM
Nice Report Pilot  TT^
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: kezsr on May 23, 2009, 12:22:49 AM
great report and pics t^   Kez
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: Still Running on May 23, 2009, 04:32:35 AM
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: Tbone on May 23, 2009, 08:58:35 AM
Pilot, You did it again.  Gail!  Nice job as being named the Striper Queen.  I guess Roger still needs to earn his rank as being the Striper King!  T-Bone
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: gymrat987654321 on May 23, 2009, 09:35:16 AM
Nice catch  t^ t^
Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: Capt. Don Sr on May 23, 2009, 10:00:03 AM

Nice catch!I knew you could do it.  We didn't have any bait so we went home.

Capt (Big) Don

Title: Re: Pilot - Bass Limit + Bonus 5/22
Post by: pilot2550 on May 23, 2009, 10:35:50 AM

Nice catch!I knew you could do it.  We didn't have any bait so we went home.

Capt (Big) Don

Master Miaggi,  No bait makes for a tough day.  I'm suprised they weren't around based on the mother load Donnie had on Monday.  Next time.

PS  Fedex just delivered my net.  Like Christmas in May! chrz