NJ Saltwater Fisherman Forums
NJ Saltwater Fisherman => Fisheries Management => Topic started by: ReelFun on November 06, 2009, 10:33:00 AM
Fellow Anglers,
Here is some information that was reported by Capt. Al Ristori today in his online blog that I thought you should all be aware of:
"Commissioner Tom Fote returned from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission(ASMFC) meeting in R.I. with the bad news that N.J. finished with a recreational fluke catch that was over the state’s allocation by 191,000 fish. Even with a small increase in next year’s quota, it will be hard to overcome that overage without further tightening fluke regulations. Fote also reported that he had to fight to avoid a weakfish moratorium, though the bag limit will be dropped to one. That’s better than a shutdown as the fishery can be liberalized quickly should the stock improve."
Sorry for the grim news, but I have to pass on everything I've heard to you all. Absolutely ridiculous!!!
Capt. John
Yea.. I expect nothing less than. "Bend Over" :-\
Well, we got an a'hole out of the governor's job. Time to get more a'holes out of their jobs.
It is absolutely rediculous that they can claim that we overfished this fluke season. Half the season was a washout weather wise.
I would like to see the numbers that they have and where they got them from.
Time for them to put up or shut up. Time for the regulatrors to show us the numbers and their source.
I hope we don't get anything like the 2009 NY Fluke regulations! One weakfish? nosmly <'((((><