NJ Saltwater Fisherman Forums

The Surf Fisherman Forum => From The Surf => Topic started by: ped579 on April 06, 2010, 11:45:41 PM

Title: The new Sharkes in the Surf Thread
Post by: ped579 on April 06, 2010, 11:45:41 PM
Okay you asked for it well here it is.

I wonder how many people that use our beaches know just how many sharks there are just lurking off the beach.  Fishing shows that on any given evening sharkes are being caught with ease of the beaches of NJ.  With the abundance of bait fish all over during the summer months is it any wonder there are not more anglers trying to land these feisty fighters.

Last summer I saw one angler spend close to an hour bringing in a shark and probably walked over 100 yards from where the fight began.  This could be a sport in itself.

The tackle is not much different than normal just larger.  Like 10/0 hooks or larger.  The rod and reel are no different than you use everyday.  Just use your head and you will win your prize.

I am looking forward to our summer get togethers on IBSP for the Sharks in the Surf this year should be a lot of fun.

This thread should be a good starting point for those that have not had the opportunity to try it.  Lets use it for talks on techniques and tackle even though the tackle is fairly simple and straight forward.  Until you bring in the Surfrocket and its ability to throw chum out where it is needed.  Besides spooling your reel to boot.

Happy Catching

Title: Re: The new Sharkes in the Surf Thread
Post by: Hotrod on April 07, 2010, 12:15:46 AM
 :-\ It's not the same.. like Kenny does it :-\ ;D

Sharks in the Surf Family Fun Night 5
Title: Re: The new Sharkes in the Surf Thread
Post by: Jeffish on April 07, 2010, 07:45:08 AM

I have a shimano stradic 6000 on a 10' tica surge. That's my lure/jigging pole.

I also have an 11' rod with a diawa emcast plus 6000. That's my bait pole.

They both have 150 yards of 50# braid on it with 40# mono backing. Would those rod/reels be ok?

The biggest hooks I have are 6/0, so I'll have to go out and get bigger hooks when the time comes. Maybe if I catch a bluefish I can use it for chum? Just what I heard.
Title: Re: The new Sharkes in the Surf Thread
Post by: ped579 on April 07, 2010, 02:47:21 PM
Hey Rod, it was not meant to be anything like Ken's.  Only he could put together shark nights like he does.  Besides I love to see the faces of those he spools with the surfrocket.

Jeff, any outfit you have will catch a shark but bringing them in on light tackle at night is the tricky part.

A lot of the tome you are clunking large pieces of bunker or the whole thing.  I think last year I was using either 10/0 or 12/0's.  The weight of your line is about right just set your drag accordingly.

As there is not much to snag out there the only 3 things to worry about is the shark will rub the line into the sand and Frey it, cut it with its tail thrashing, or be so big that no matter what pound line you use it either snap your line or rod.

A number of the big guns out there have super equipment something that they either built themselves or had custom built for them.  If you are out on IBSP and you see a guy with 15' poles in a maroon pickup with a cap and antennas all over the place walk up to him and tell him Paul N2HYG said to say hi.  He is a friend that is shark crazy and hunts for them during the summer.

Happy Catching

Title: Re: The new Sharkes in the Surf Thread
Post by: Luna Sea 5 on April 07, 2010, 04:54:55 PM
without a surf rocket, Ped, you may have to kayak our bait past the breakers.. lol
Title: Re: The new Sharkes in the Surf Thread
Post by: Pfishingruven on April 07, 2010, 04:57:40 PM
without a surf rocket, Ped, you may have to kayak our bait past the breakers.. lol

Or do a Crazy Alberto cast ;D!

Title: Re: The new Sharkes in the Surf Thread
Post by: ped579 on April 07, 2010, 05:30:26 PM
I have to agree that the Surfrocket does help but just like other predators the sharks do come in close to the beach.  I am going to try and use chum from the shore this year and see what happens.  Should be interesting.

Crazy Alberto's casting ability is something else.  To look at him cast, with what seems like little effort on his part, and to see the sinker going that distance is amazing.

At the show a few weeks ago he spooled a conventional reel with 5oz of lead.  Not Bad.
Title: Re: The new Sharkes in the Surf Thread
Post by: Hotrod on April 07, 2010, 06:06:25 PM