NJ Saltwater Fisherman Forums

NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports and Information => NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports => Topic started by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 02:39:38 PM

Title: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 02:39:38 PM
I listened to the weather last night and again this morning.Called for 1-2. Launched at 8:30ish went around the hook with the plan to run out to the sh reef and was greated with 4- 6 foot swells with caps every 3-4 seconds{yes i counted}..The weather man was wayyy off....The boat came completely out of the water a few times(this time it was not on purpose)

Slowly we made are way out to the #8 bouy instead...Threw the anchor over and it hooked first try! As the swells got bigger we decided to run back towards the beach.

 This is where all the disasters started.While i was pulling the hook a huge swell came from nowhere i did sea it one wave away  but couldnt do nothing about it but hold on.The swell crashed over the stern sending water every where. Continued to pull the hook and another swell came and yanked the rope out of my hands and at that point!! Screaming back pain which made me drop to the deck with tears in my eyes.I couldnt stand,sit,any thing.. all the while were in a nasty sea and now the winds blowin   15mph

  After spending 5 minutes on the deck in severe pain i managed to get to the Capt.'s seat and start what would become the most painful experiance i ever had.  While driving back to port..Every and all of my experiance's was needed to get it safely back to port.The swells were to close to go over them yet they were right on our tail,Evey wave made my back Scream like never b4.Around the tip of the hook it got worse swells every where and every which way.

 Had a few wave's go completely over our boat.At this point i have taken 4 excedrine's and have a bag of ice on my spine...This is one trip i actually wish id stayed home.....

 However i pushed the boat and her crew to the max today(not on purpose)tho. And i have a new found respect for not only my crew {THANKS Michy for beening there perfectly today} but also my boat and the sea.

Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: paul-e on October 11, 2011, 02:53:56 PM
 nosmly Glad you're ok and home safe.
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 02:59:02 PM
Were home but my back is killing me....
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Andys Delight on October 11, 2011, 03:34:30 PM
Man, this is a great reminder of how things can go bad in a real hurry.  Hope you get better fast, let me know if you need help with anything.  Did you end up getting the anchor up or just cut it?  My biggest worry out there (besides the obvious) is being alone and my back or neck suddenly decides to give out on me. 
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: IrishAyes on October 11, 2011, 03:39:43 PM
Tuff trip for sure. NOAA is rarely correct in their forcast lately. I don't know how these people keep their jobs. nosmly

Glad to hear that it worked out for you and you made it back safely although a little sore.
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: rycher on October 11, 2011, 05:33:03 PM
Hey OM glad you got back ok. Sorry to read of the trip.

Live to fight another day.
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 05:52:05 PM
Man, this is a great reminder of how things can go bad in a real hurry.  Hope you get better fast, let me know if you need help with anything.  Did you end up getting the anchor up or just cut it?  My biggest worry out there (besides the obvious) is being alone and my back or neck suddenly decides to give out on me.  

and Michelle did an awesome  job t^ all around today I need her to step up today and she exceeded my expecations by far

thanks for the offer

We got it up ..if i was by myself id be screwed..Maybe worse.
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 05:53:01 PM
Tuff trip for sure. NOAA is rarely correct in their forcast lately. I don't know how these people keep their jobs. nosmly

Glad to hear that it worked out for you and you made it back safely although a little sore.

Not just noaa the weather channel and the news all wrong........
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 05:54:34 PM
Hey OM glad you got back ok. Sorry to read of the trip.

Live to fight another day.

thanks were glad to t^
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: njbob49 on October 11, 2011, 06:10:01 PM
WOW, and I thought I had a tough day at work.  Glad every one made it back safely. I am sure we have all been in situations like yours today.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you think your back hurts now, wait until you wake up tomorrow. I moved an AC unit some years ago and had to get cortisone shots to help with the inflammation.  At this point I dont think Excedrin is going to help that much. You need some pills for the inflammation and also a muscle relaxer. It really sucked when this happened as I could not even wipe my ass. I do hope I am wrong on how you will feel tomorrow. Hope you feel better soon.

Tight Lines,
Bob G  chrz
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Capt. Carl on October 11, 2011, 06:21:58 PM
Glad your safe!
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 06:24:22 PM
WOW, and I thought I had a tough day at work.  Glad every one made it back safely. I am sure we have all been in situations like yours today.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you think your back hurts now, wait until you wake up tomorrow. I moved an AC unit some years ago and had to get cortisone shots to help with the inflammation.  At this point I dont think Excedrin is going to help that much. You need some pills for the inflammation and also a muscle relaxer. It really sucked when this happened as I could not even wipe my ass. I do hope I am wrong on how you will feel tomorrow. Hope you feel better soon.

Tight Lines,
Bob G  chrz

Back in 2001 i was bent in half and my L4-L5 took the brunt of that..Had the shots and all that stuff.
 I have a prescription for perks and flexrill(muscle relacker) but i dont carry Alcohol/cds on board. Your right tho...my back is gonna SCREAM tomarrow,i'll take this pain over what could of been...
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: SurfJockey on October 11, 2011, 06:32:04 PM
Sorry to hear about the crappy trip.  Hope the back isnt too messed up!
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Hunter 2 on October 11, 2011, 07:40:46 PM
Get well soon,  you have two weeks till the Stripers run kicks in. t^
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 07:48:15 PM
Glad your safe!

Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 07:50:45 PM
Sorry to hear about the crappy trip.  Hope the back isnt too messed up!

Crappy aint the word for what we went through bro.
 Thanks im hopen its just a muscle strain...feels a little better but i took meds. and been laying on the floor since i got home.
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 11, 2011, 07:52:05 PM
Get well soon,  you have two weeks till the Stripers run kicks in. t^

 Thanks..I might just take the next 2 weeks off....
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: PeggyLee on October 11, 2011, 08:07:59 PM
Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you went through a tuff day.
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Hotrod on October 11, 2011, 08:14:04 PM
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Kenny on October 11, 2011, 09:21:45 PM

I hope you just pulled a muscle and mend up quick....Hell of a trip there thud
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Bucktail on October 11, 2011, 11:52:11 PM
WOW, and I thought I had a tough day at work.

 whs  Sometimes a bad day fishing doesn't beat a good day at work. ;D

Glad you made it back safely and hope your back is feeling better soon. t^
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 12, 2011, 08:57:15 AM
Thanks, PeggyLee,Hotrod,and Kenny.

 It took all of my experiences and knowledge to get back to port safely.Our vessel is 17ft long and it was just crazy out there,then get hurt on top of that nosmly nosmly
   I give credit were credits due. Michelle did a super job reading the water and steering the boat working the throttle while i was down t^ 

i truely believe that if i was by myself or with someone whos not really a boater it would have truned in to  a way worse disaster.
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 12, 2011, 08:59:53 AM
WOW, and I thought I had a tough day at work.

 whs  Sometimes a bad day fishing doesn't beat a good day at work. ;D

Glad you made it back safely and hope your back is feeling better soon. t^

 Yeah i should of went to the yard yesterday but the "weatherman" said it was gonna be nice..BS.
 Thanks I hope it gets better quick 2...2 more weeks till the stripes turn on up here....
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: NJ Guy on October 12, 2011, 09:03:21 AM
i had a similar incident at roamers last weekend....anchor didnt set right in the breakers.... bow was a slippery death trap...wife handled our boat like a seasoned skipper though and got us away from the rocks in a hurry as i tended to the anchor....she even practiced docking with the twin motors on sunday and did a great job....docking with only the throttles no wheel at all

next time i go up on my bow i WILL be wearing a life vest it.....

but on a side note it did convince the wife that a windlass is worth the money so it will be installed this winter
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 12, 2011, 09:18:28 AM
Sucks when that crap happens..I tell you what bro,My woman did super she was like a Pro clp clp
  She told me she wasnt scared but a little nervous tho and to the the truth I was nervous and i had the vhf on 16 in my back pocket just in case i had to make that call! (glad i didnt have to)

 Glad to hear the new boat is treating you well and ur woman it operating it like a champ....Michy is my 1st mate for sure!! Now all we need is a bigger boat for next year!!!!!!
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Scott G. on October 12, 2011, 11:32:42 AM
 t^  Glad to here you got back o.k.   t^   Good luck with the back pain   t^
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Fishin Dude on October 12, 2011, 12:14:24 PM
I wish you a speedy recovery on your back issues. Glad you were able to get your vessel & crew back safely, things could always be worse. <'((((><
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 12, 2011, 02:22:24 PM
t^  Glad to here you got back o.k.   t^   Good luck with the back pain   t^

Thanks its hurtin today
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 12, 2011, 02:23:55 PM
I wish you a speedy recovery on your back issues. Glad you were able to get your vessel & crew back safely, things could always be worse. <'((((><

Thanks We were glad to hit the dock.Like i said b4 ill take this pain i have now then what could of been!
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Pops Soul on October 12, 2011, 03:44:56 PM
Hey Off Shore Sorry to hear about the bad trip, Luckily your crew came through and preformed top notch. Was out over the weekend and did think about you, your always changing your avatar and at one point you had the racing boats up. Here ya go dude these are for you  TT^
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 12, 2011, 04:47:50 PM
Hey Off Shore Sorry to hear about the bad trip, Luckily your crew came through and preformed top notch. Was out over the weekend and did think about you, your always changing your avatar and at one point you had the racing boats up. Here ya go dude these are for you  TT^

Thanks man. I was on 68 i even tried to hail any one out there..But noone answered.
 I really cant say enough about my crew she did more then expected...
 I Like those off shore raceboats altho i woodnt own one..In my opinion doin 90+ on the water and launching out of the water is almost as good as sex.
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: makokeith on October 12, 2011, 07:29:28 PM
WOW, glad you made it back. Hope the back gets better soon.
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 12, 2011, 07:33:44 PM
WOW, glad you made it back. Hope the back gets better soon.

 Thanks man it was crazy out there. Im hoping its just a strain its sore but not that sharp shooting pain any more
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: BigAl13 on October 12, 2011, 11:37:08 PM
How you feeling today?
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 13, 2011, 07:19:03 AM
How you feeling today?

HUrtin i cant sit for long, standing is so-so and walkin well thats gonna take another day or two, But its gettin a little better,,,thanks for asking
Title: Re: EverEnough's disasterous fishing trip
Post by: Offshore Madness on October 14, 2011, 04:30:32 PM
Well its been 3 days now, i can walk better sit a little longer and i can lay down all day what i still cant do is stand still.
My back is getting better i think it was just a strain and with the shittie weather report it wont be so bad that im not fishing....If all goes well were looking to get out wednesday or thursday...... chrz thanks everyone for the well wishes..... t^