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Boating General Discussions / Re: Cabin Carpet Replacement Parker Pilot House
« Last post by Hotrod on May 03, 2022, 01:49:51 PM »
Prep went great.  I'll be using all new hardware / Stainless bolts Etc..   The Great thing is my brother-in-law Steve has been doing commercial wall paper for 35 Years.. And tomorrow we are heading down to do it.  He is very good at this kind of stuff.  I'm sure it's going to come out great.
Boating General Discussions / Re: Cabin Carpet Replacement Parker Pilot House
« Last post by IrishAyes on May 03, 2022, 11:41:57 AM »
 w0w lotsa work there. Can't wait to see the outcome.
NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports / Re: Fluke fishing 5/2.........
« Last post by Takes Prizoners on May 01, 2022, 07:31:17 PM »
Yeah, have a 2014 25" Tidewater center console w/twin 150 yammies.
Couldn't justify the price of the Parkers now, as much as I loved mine.

 t^ excellent
Boating General Discussions / Cabin Carpet Replacement Parker Pilot House
« Last post by Hotrod on May 01, 2022, 04:26:26 PM »
Step one done on the replacement of the interior carpet in the parker pilot house. After 19 years it?s losing fibers and not very pleasant..   Removed all window and door trim.. wiper motors lights Hand rail bolts....Etc..4 hours of prep to just get to the removal.     
Most paint it but the carpet is nice to have.   I will add to this as I complete it.

After removing the carpet I hit it all with a sanding block to take off the little bit of dried glue etc..   Then i brought the hose in and blasted the walls and everything..  that was probably the best move that left a nice clean surface to work with..
NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports / Re: Fluke fishing 5/2.........
« Last post by Hotrod on May 01, 2022, 04:16:32 PM »
Yeah, have a 2014 25" Tidewater center console w/twin 150 yammies.
Couldn't justify the price of the Parkers now, as much as I loved mine.

 grtn grtn t^
NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports / Re: Fluke fishing 5/2.........
« Last post by IrishAyes on May 01, 2022, 02:45:42 PM »
Yeah, have a 2014 25" Tidewater center console w/twin 150 yammies.
Couldn't justify the price of the Parkers now, as much as I loved mine.
NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports / Re: Fluke fishing 5/2.........
« Last post by Takes Prizoners on May 01, 2022, 12:09:16 PM »
I will be out. Will be first trip of the season so more of a shakedown/let's find some fish trip.

Nice👍  You got a new boat? Last I remember, you sold the Parker
NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports / Re: Fluke fishing 5/2.........
« Last post by IrishAyes on May 01, 2022, 11:38:33 AM »
I will be out. Will be first trip of the season so more of a shakedown/let's find some fish trip.
NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports / Re: Rod are we back?
« Last post by IrishAyes on May 01, 2022, 11:35:46 AM »
NJ Saltwater Fishing Reports / Re: Fluke fishing 5/2.........
« Last post by Takes Prizoners on April 29, 2022, 07:46:01 PM »
I hear you on the that. On the Angler I have to replace the fuel tank. Will be sporting the Cape Horn this season
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