jumping the gun a bit here, and i it's been discussed before, but to celebrate the upcoming summer i'd like to get the pulse of the posters now that last season has sunk in and we're hopeful for this one.
who has tried a new flattie setup and found it good/no difference/worse than than what they were using? what was it?
i personally wtb a good setup for heavy-ish bucktailing to try to improve my keeper ratio. something where i can hold bottom in 60+ft while drifting, yet if i decide to hit the triangle it won't be too overkill. looking at the smaller avet's or similar, mated to somthing readily available-- stout enough for more than a few oz yet sensitive if you know what i mean.
lots of discussion in the past, trying to keep it reasonable costwise and maximize utility maybe even striper fishin with eddie...