Jason & I were part of a 4 man charter in search of winter flounder in upper Barnegat Bay. First drop was a little south of the Mantoloking Bridge. After a solid 90 minutes and no bites we moved north. Second drop was again fishless. Once the tide turned we returned to our original local (where fish have been taken the past several days) and once again nothing. Moved back to the north for a short lived drop before we moved to just off the southern entrance to the Pt. Pleasant Canal. After about 20 minutes, Jason finally put the first flattie in the boat. However there was nothing afterwards. Headed up through the canal and set up in the old steamboat channel. Nothing. Last drop was more towards the main river channel where we boated another flounder. Very few bites in tough conditions. Only heard of 1 other flounder being caught out the 17-20 other boats we encountered during the day