Looking for Jr. Fish Mongers!!!
Hello all
This Year in July and Aug, We are setting up trips on wed and thurs afternoons ( 3-5 hours trips ) For families with Children.
These will be nearshore or river trips designed to teach the young ones all aspects of the water. Fishing,crabbing, boating, and safety.
We are Looking help to get more kids/families involved in the Fishing and boating.
These will be educational type trips where everything will be hands on... for a fun filled afternoon.
Snacks and awards/prizes will be on store the young ones as well as the youngsters name and picture on a special Jr Fishmonger section of our Website and firework displays are an option on both wed and thurs evenings to end the trip...
You do not have to charter the whole boat, we could match you up with another family/child group.
Looking for feedback so...Anybody interested Please shoot me an email for details...
Looking forward to making a few more youngsters get hooked
on fishing !!!
Capt Jerry and Capt Wayne