Headed out early and the plan was to fluke our way from back in the bay and head out to the reef for some sea bass. We hit several spots back in the bay and caught tons of shorts and sea robins, with the occasional keeper mixed in. I worked out to Sandy Hook Channel and found a couple more pockets of fish, but mostly shorts. As the wind picked up I decided to not make the run South and we fished in some deeper water around the hook. Late in the day we hit a nice patch of keepers with a 23" 4# fish being tops. The total for the day was 8 keeps out of an easy 200 fish caught. My son and his friend and my dad were pulling killies and catching fish on almost every cast. I stuck it out with a bucktail and Gulp teaser. In the back bay I hardly had any hits on the Gulp, but when we hit the deep water the fluke were all over it. Had a party at my house yesterday so I didn't get back out.