Got a late start on a throw together fishin son(Tyler) looked a little down with 10th grade fast approaching
....told him to call a few buddies down the block and within 20 minutes he gathered up two first timers....Martin and Ryan...figured some blues would take there minds off that dreadfull first day! First stop by the triangle.. it was fishon(1-3 lbs) about the third cast...small but fun...and a nice warm-up...headed further out towards Romers and the birds were workin....none stop action(5-8lbers)until the old man got tired of being the first mate
....they kicked my butt! Triple headers, broken lines, galf hear...soda there!...done I tell ya! headed over towards Breezy lookin for the bonita I have heard they were catchin...they were there but I had know luck catchin with my small jigs
...Overall a great day...over 60hookups for the boys and some tired wrists and sore arms....The boys also cleaned their first blues for my buddies at that was a site!