Hey guys- went out w/ my 2 boys yesterday about 2, ran down south a few miles, marked all kinds of fish 25ft. and deeper. Was about 1-2 miles off, lots of boats. Trolled some mann 25 stretches, nada, then jigged my new shimano butterfly jigs with no luck. Lots of marks on sounder, could not believe I did not get a hit. Grant it my boys got bored and did not fish after a while, so only my line jigging. Did the same thing on saturday, snotty conditions, and got several jumbo blues with the shimano jigs in the same area, same technique. Go figure. Came in around 5 with nothing. Any of you guys have experience with these new shimano butterfly jigs? They are expensive, but they wotked great on Saturday. Finally got my sounder working well, had alot of transducer placement problems. What a difference.