Well, its been too long since i felt a fish...(12 days).. so this morning i met my dad and uncle and left dock in Barnegat Bay @ 6... traveled about 1/2 mile and the fog was just too dense..
hung out for 30mins and then gave it another shot... slowly made our way to the canal..unreal...
cocktail blues boiling at north end of canal so we worked that till we could see the 35 bridge..
finally made it out to the inlet around 9 ish and the fog was still too thick to even try...so we just fluked across the channel for a couple hours... picked a few... 3 keepers and 12 or so 17.5".. and a couple babies..
just amazing that the fog would just hang right at the mouth of the inlet...
Crappy start turned out to be pretty decent..
bucktail jig with spearing and a teaser , rapidly jigging was the key..