My Daughter and myself fished the Squan this afternoon boat traffic was crazy but found west of the canal to be tolerable. Fished the end of in and the beginning of out and picked up 3 keepers. I had a little 1oz brown and white bucktail and my daughter had chartreuse bucktail and a white teaser bucktail and picked up a 23" fish on the teaser and I had a 22 and 19" on mine. We had white 4" gulp minnow on all the hooks and it seemed to be the ticket. Not for nothing most of the other boats were using bait with fluke rigs and I did not see one fish boated other than us, I even heard one guy yell what the F$%^ when I boated a fish in front of him. It was kinda slow with only about 10 total fish caught today I figured the traffic and the wind against the tide slowed things a bit. But still a good day fishing with my daughter and nice fresh fish for dinner.