started out the morning with the stanley meiczweski
group for some fluking...started out at some spots that had been producing and it started off slooooooooooooooooow...a couple missed fish but not a fluke to be found until 10:00 am when i hit chapel hill. had a pick there than moved outside as we lost the tide. outside was the same story...lots o shorts and 1 keeper. ran back inside to try a couple porgy marks and no fish. tough morning trip for sure for stanley and crew.
headed back out with Davis Shepelski and gang and started at the T.C. bouy for a nice drift with no wind...that lasted 10 minutes as the wind came on strong at 20+ from the wsw making it tought to hold bottom with 6 ounces. made a few moves to find the right drift speed and when we did it was game on with 1-2 keepers per drift with the largest going 4.5lbs taken by matthew. just as it got good, the sky turned black to the west and the radar showed a massive storm with 70kt winds and hail outta there and back to dock in a hurry! sorry to cut it a little short on those guys but what ya gonna do?