Tom and I had the Roosters out to the ocean this morning looking for a couple of keeper Fluke. We fished the #15 Can in Sandy Hook Channel, then moved out to Gunnison Beach, then North Beach, out to #5 SHC drifting past #10 making for a long drift where we had the place all to ourselves till about 10 AM when we were joined by the party boat fleet. Many short Fluke were caught along with many, many Sea Robins; Tom landed three small Skates right up to slack tide. When outgoing started I picked up two keeper Fluke to 19½", Tom soon followed with two keepers to 19", all keepers caught within a half hour.
The ocean was calm and the water was very clear, the threat of rain held off till I was halfway home. It was very hot at the Marina with the sun coming out brightly. The dead dolphin was now lying on the beach at the Point of Hook. Pete