It pays to have friends. A few calls to other Capt's and guys you respect can save lives. Thanks Jerry and Allen. Yesterdays weather report was questionable at best with many forcasters calling for endworld times coming and NOAA calling for it to lay down. A look at BI about 3 hours before the high was slop. Not dangerous but slop with heavy swells outside. I only needed to go a few miles to give the guys a shot at 10lb plus tog all the 5 lb fish they could want. Very tempting but the thought of coming in on an out an going tide and if the winds swung to the NE(as forcasted by some) would mean possible death over a few fish. We opted to stayed in the bay for a 2 hour pick of fluke (30shorts) and 2 keepers to 20". Got in a little after 11am just as the winds started howling and was wondering about the guys still out front. I would not be surprised to hear that 10footers were crashing the monument. Some times conditions can give you a little a**kicking trying to bring home a full box, but at no time should you put yourself in dangerous conditions over a few fish.