I had the pleasure of going out the Wet Dreams today with Capt Carl, mate Matt and Boo Boo and a regular John. We left the dock around 6:oo am with a little chill in the air, but no wind and flat seas. We got to the tip of the hook and put out two bunker spoons and headed south. Could not get anything going on the spoons so we switched them out for a 9er rig and a T Mann lures. Still no takers
Set the anchor at the reef and did some bottom fishing. After about 40 porgy’s in the box the rest went back for another day, we also picked up around 14 Blackfish and one sea bass. Too bad the Blacks are still at 1 limit.
Ended up taking the jackets off for a nice November day on the water.
Headed back in around noon and Capt Carl called it a season.
What a nice crew to fish with.
By the way I think I am getting this Black fishing down. Looking forward to the trip on the 20th.