Please tell me your not driving
You are making a very valid point Capt Birch. When I first started fishing many years ago I sort of remember the regs were made so the fish had an oportunity to reproduce at least once and that is why they picked the size limit they did. To me that made sense. Seems like they are getting away from that way of thinking for whatever reason.
Capt.Birch,first of all,be careful on the road...we dont want an accident over this discussion im regards to the fish pots, i know the quotas the commercial guys have. my whole point was that fish pots are not discriminatory to certain types of fish...they will take them all as long as they fit. it wasnt until only 2 years ago that the commercial fisherman COULD NOT trap from april thru june and their Quotas were lowered...before that, they could trap during the whole spawing season i believe(taking fish after fish with millions of eggs).i think we all know the importance of the closed spawning season on such a slow growing fish and i believe that if they shut recreational fishing down during that time, then the commercial guys should not be able to fish in june for them...PERIOD. Give them another month in the year to catch their fish...Hey,we are all trying to make a living.
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