broke the inlet and went right for the barnegat light reef, had a steady pick at short seabass, pulled 1 just keeper fluke, and a blue mackeral, a first for me,, moved off the reef for some drifting off the old coast gaurd station, plenty of shorts to be had, but couldnt manage another keeper. also stumbled across a secrete piece of structure, dont know what it is, but was about 8' tall and 10' across,,, marked it for future fishing.
also had a ton of bunker in the area didnt seem like anything was harrassing them, and snagging was difficult, i blame the clear water. soon as the snagger got close they darted off, they musta finally figured that one out.
all in all a nice day to have the parents and gf out on the water, got back in cleaned up and out before the traffic.
and ocean water temps where up to 76+