At the ramp at 620am Beautiful calm seas.Ran to the tip and off to the left out a bit i saw birds like i never seen before this year. Ran close to them shut down the Merc. and started to jig, First cast a keeper, from then it was birds and fish everywhere. Every cast i had either a hook up or i landed one. Amazing catching it was!!
No one i know really eats stripers so i usally keep one for myself and release the rest.I was gonna try to take more pictures but the fishing/NETTING was more important as i was by myself. All and all i caught approx. 12 stripers today all on green ava's. Gave one away at the dock and took one home.Released the rest for another day.
I'm hoping this is a start of a late some what fall run for us...That fish is 30 inches and I was home by 10:30