Fri 8/31 ran off a little bit today in beautiful conditions. Set up in 60-70 feet on.the last of the incoming tide and a SW wind. Started banging away at the fluke. Nice steady action through the end of the tide....once it switched, she became a little fast with the wind and tide together. Hit a few spots on the way in but current was flying. Ended with a dozen keeps to 5 lbs and a few sea bass to 4 lbs.
Sat ran off with scott ruschetta and crew looking for some sea bass action. Found a nice patch of fish and keepers and shorts started flying over the rail at a steady clip....lots shorts but some nice hefty keepers...25 sea bass to 4.5 lbs for the box....switched over to fluke for the last hour boxing 11 up to 5 lbs.....
Too bad the sea bass has to close up for 3 weeks!