It's been a while since I have posted on here since Harbison as been posting on our trips. We all have been in the fight over catch shares and other wrong doings by the councils for a long time. We have finally got a few congressmen down south that have decided to stand up for the fishermen. U.S.Rep Steve Southerland(R-Fl)and Rep.Jo Bonner(R-Al) have filed a new bill in the House called "Gulf Fisheries Fairness Act" . It turns the management on our reef fish back over to the states instead of the Federal Gulf Council. This is a big step to get our fisheries back in control and stop some of the plans the EDF has been pushing on us. If you would take a few minutes and send your Rep. and Senators a letter on this. I promise to help you back with any fights you have in the NE just let me know and I will be glad to send letters. We all have got to come togeter in this figt or we will never have our fisheries back the way they deserve to be.
Thanks for your help
Capt. Buddy Bradham