Well with the cancellation of SJ Tournament, I want to get Sonia out Sharking and spend some time breaking her into using the harness..we ran always out to hoping to find some tuna first. First location, whales, dolphins , birds and turtles , put the spread out and tuna crushed the spread a few times but no hook ups. Then we went into shark mode.. First hour into the drift , long line screams out. Put Sonia in her harness and shark goes nuts.. I though for sure mr Mako.. ..but nope ended up with 200lb dusky.. One nasty bastard next to the boat..sorry no pics.. Then another lines screams out.. She's tight again.. Big monster blue shark... We made a move and set another slick , didn't take long 2 on now.. Both big blue sharks... The woman is a machine and putting the screws to them.. After a few hours of nothing made another move. This drift seemed like it as going to be the one..we could see sharks in the slick but no takers.. Finally had the deep bait start screaming out fast. Ok maybe we got him.. After 30 minutes its a huge blue shark unreal how big.. In all a great day out with her and she's ready for Mako Mania..
Thanks capt Joe ..
Weekly shark trips on on now
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