Broke the inlet at 0330 hours for the annual Birthday shark trip on NS boat out of Belmar. Caught a nice nap on the way to the grounds after pulling 23 hours plus w/o...Set up and fishing with no hits until 9AM. Came tight and 1st guy up was able to land , tag and release a Mako pup to fight for another day. Second hook up came a couple hours in where yours truly also landed a slightly larger Mako pup, that was also tagged and released( Good fish Karma). Hoping to see a great trail once the tag gets returned. Last one I did was 1600 miles out on the shelf when returned for location caught. Made a slight wiggle along the wall, chum flowing ( extra "freezer bait" from all the fish in my freezer that went down on me), awesome slick and perfect weather conditions, run off begins and we're hooked up again for third time in the day. This one gave a good fight and a short while later was brought to the boat and landed for the table fare. Nice 66" @ 135 lber to keep the 8 year streak of landing a shark on these trips very alive!!!! Great day all around with friends and crew on the boat.