Me, Johnny Oz, Dave B, Skeeter and Jeff took a Gamble and drove to Point Pleasant to try for cod. Due to the lack of patrons the boat did not sail. Had three others at the dock but left us two short of the desired crew to go.
Moved to another boat and went for tog instead. Not a good day of catching on the boat. Had MAYBE a dozen keeper tog for about 35-40 patrons. Many ocean pout and a couple of ling on the boat. Captain made several moves to try to find a bit but it just did not happen. One guy did have three keepers using clam for bait.
I caught two ocean pout and a couple of bergalls. The other on our group did about the same. Johnny Oz did manage a short tog. No love for us today.
The temp was in the teens. Had some ice on the eyes of the rods. It did get up into the twenties and maybe hit the low thirties by days end. Almost felt like a heat wave.
Oh well, just gonna have to try again.