Set sail on a calm bay last night with the usual suspect. Got the skinny on the fatties from you-know-who, and since we did not spot any bunks around the area we put out the trolling gear. We proceeded up the red edge of the reach to good marks but no takers. Dark night; the fog moved around and for most of the run nothing to the north was visible. I thought about calling Christine to see if there was a power cut, but it really wasn't THAT important since we had plenty of power on the HB. We threw everything we had at em; shads, tubes, shinys, even a Maja spoon and a stretch. Moseyed from SP to the 20rock without a touch. Came back down off the green side focusing on not becoming dehydrated; all the while varying up the speed and flavors of our dinner presentation to no avail. Somebody opened up 10 gallons of pea soup when we got back near the pier so Tombo set up for an IFR landing. VORTAC was down and nobody told the bass either. Made it back in time to not clean up any fish, but a good time was had by all.