The question on the ballot for voting yes or no is a fraud. If you vote yes you will not be voting for making all money dedicated to the TTF. You are giving four board members the chance to Use the Gas tax as leverage to gain a deposit to BORROW 12 Billion more dollars. This 12 Billion dollars is not what you voted for as part of the gas tax and will be used anyway the four board members see fit. Three light rail projects are being bid on as you read this. So voting yes is going to make this state borrow 12 Billion dollars. You MUST vote NO to question 2 and make our lovely politicians go and write a bill that isnt written in a way to trick people. If you dont believe me go to 101.5 and you can hear and see the wording on the bill. If you want to copy and paste this to your pages you can and I hope you really spread the word.