Author Topic: Memories of Fantastic Hunts  (Read 1491 times)

Offline harbison

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Memories of Fantastic Hunts
« on: July 25, 2020, 12:20:34 PM »
Memories of Fantastic Hunts

For many of us hunting is much more than a pass time; it’s a way of life. As we know all too well many of our hunting lands are now covered with asphalt and gone forever. One thing that can never be taken for us is our memories; ‘Memories of Fantastic Hunts.’To me sharing with fellow sportsmen/women is just as important as the hunt. Come along as we take a close look at hunting yesterday & today.I will never forget the thrills of duck and snipe hunting: Who could ever forget wading through a swamp and praying for rain, wind, and cold; that’s when the ducks fly.How about hunting the edges of that swamp for snipe. To say snipes are hard to hit would be an understatement. Once you hear that ‘peep’ forget it; this tricky little bird has your number.Another bird that more often than not ‘has your number’ is the wild turkey. It’s often said that a turkey’s eyesight is incredible; that’s an under-statement. Chances are he will see you before you see him. Deer & Elk For a Florida native who had never seen snow hunting deer in the high, snow covered, mountains of Maine was an experience I will remember until the end of time. Hour after hour I trailed this beautiful buck in over a foot of fresh snow. Often I would catch a glimpse of him, but never a good shot. He stops for a split second and looks at me… HUGE mistake. My BAR 7mm mag did its thing.Up next, Elk hunting in New Mexico. As in Maine the mountains are high and the snow is deep.This trophy Elk answered my call. There he is, but he is so far away. I rested my trusted BAR, took careful aim, and unleashed the awesome power of that 7 mm mag. Elk down, Elk down & out.It’s been over forty years now since I hunted in snow. But I can never forget ‘Memories of Fantastic Hunts’ in Maine & New Mexico.Up next it's back home; back home to Florida wild boar hunting.I have been hunting hogs in Florida for over sixty years. Unfortunately at 78 I can no longer hunt as I did for so many years. I remember the last hog I shot on my own. What an experience. I was hunting one of my favorite Buck & Boar Hunting Club stands. Some really nice hogs appear, but no trophies. Then, all of a sudden, the hog of my dreams appears.This monster is BIG, really BIG. You are mine; so I thought. I was well concealed in my dark hut; no way he could see me. So I thought. Slowly I reached for my trusted Marlin .45-70 Stainless Guide Gun. With a smirk on his face he looks at me straight in the eye and bolts saying" You will never get me; I am way too smart for you!" This is getting personal. I will never forget that smirk. Went back to the same stand the next day; he was a no show. Went back again the next evening, Christmas Eve. It was cold and raining. So What! I will get you! To say I was miserable would be an understatement. But this is personal. How would you feel if a hog laughed in you face and took off? Then, just before the sun went down, a bush behind my feeder moves. This time I was ready. After a couple of minutes this monster hog with the big smirk on his face pokes his head out and looks directly at me. BIG mistake! That .45-70 405 gr bullet knocks that smirk off his face. It was dark, bitter cold, and raining. I was miserable to the max; miserable but happy. I put him in my sled, dragged him to my 4X4 Tacoma, and, with the help of my winch: I loaded him into the bed of my truck. I was twenty miles from camp. The dirt roads were wet & sloppy; four-wheel-drive most of the way. It took well over an hour to reach camp. I was ever so tired; ever so wet & cold. My intention was to let BIG boy hang until morning. However, the Christmas Day weather forecast called for much colder, much more rain, and windy. I dressed the hog; hung him in the cooler, took a hot shower, ate a late night dinner, got my Airstream trailer up to about 90 degrees, and hit the sack. The next thing I remember it was late Christmas evening.Due to advanced age I can no longer hunt as I once hunted. Give up hunting? NO WAY! For over six years now I have been hunting with Perry Florida's Two Guys And A Hog. "Memories of Fantastic Hunts' are still on-going. Check out the video from my latest Two Guys on the YouTube link


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Re: Memories of Fantastic Hunts
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2020, 01:20:52 PM »

Offline fluke - u

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Re: Memories of Fantastic Hunts
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2020, 06:50:53 AM »
 t^ .........................  chrz
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