Even though there was still a east wind blowing, the seas weren't nearly that bad at the mouth of the bay or outfront as on Saturday.
Decision was made by majority vote before we left to fishing Romer's til the end of the tide then had out front and do some bottom fishing (losing option was to head to the west & net bunker and chunk/live line).
Set up on the east side of Romer's in very fishable seas by 7:15 AM. After a skate was caught by Jason, I brought the first bass to the boat which taped out at 27"s. Not too much later a much nicer bass that probally scaled out to #15 was taken. Started to get more bluefish bites (not the monster like in the back-but respectable #5-7's). We were able to sneak in 2 more keeper bass of 29-30"s. Bite was from the last hour or so of the outgoing through the slack, once the water started coming in the bite shut off completely.
Pulled anchor and made the move to small bottom pieces at the end of Sandy Hook Channel. Clams produced most the blackfish early on. They did turn off the clam for a bit and started hitting the crabs but that didn't last long. Made some wiggles in & around the same vicinity and had action on all pieces. At one point it was pretty much drop and clam strip and get whacked type of fishing.
Ended up 3 short of a 6 man blackfish limit. heaviest close to #6, with most in the #4-5 class, 3 bass and 6 bluefish in the box.
Grilled blackfish for supper tonight was delicious.