The answer you've been seeking!
Announcing the NJOA's Southern Region "H.O.O.T.enanny" fundraiser.
Below are a few H.O.O.T.enanny questions and answers:
Q) What's a H.O.O.T.enanny? ( also spelled "hootenanny")
A) "H.O.O.T.enanny" is the Herding of Outdoorsmen Outdoorswomen Together in an informal setting to celebrate their angling, hunting and trapping heritage in support of the NJOA.
Q) What do 2 hogs, 1 steer, and 40 gallons of milk have to do with the NJOA Southern Region "H.O.O.T.enanny?"
A) These are just a FEW of the prizes that have been donated for this unprecedented event! Yes, you read it right - these are just a FEW of the donated PRIZES.
Q) When and where is the H.O.O.T.enanny?
A) October 18, 2008 at the Senior Citizen Center in Sewell, NJ
Q) Hey, you've told us the when and where but what is the time and the cost of this fantastic fest?
A) Be patient and mark your calendars. More H.O.O.T.enanny facts and factoids are forthcoming.
The NJOA Southern Region H.O.O.T.enanny is sure to be one hellava "hoot" so be ready to buy your tickets when they are made available in the very near future.