Got a call a 6 am from my RETIRED Fihng Bud asking me what I was doing? I stated I was sleeping until the phone rang. He asked me if I wanted to go fishing today ? I told him he was retired and I was still working bud that did not stop him telling me it was going to be a beautiful day.Ok pick me up in a hour.
Told the boss I had to see the doctor, told the doctor I had to see the dentist,told the dentist I couldn't make it today and had to cancel the oppt.He said "you have done this three times," I think you should see a doctor" The fishing was a slow and steady pick of shorts and a few keepers all day long,moving from Ambose Channel to the SHC,To Knoll, to the Hook.Hit some blues on tin also while chasing the birds.Had four keepers and 5 blues kept some for the friends and released many.Yes it was a Beautiful Day. If I would have seen Joe Irish Ayes I would have shared a cold one.Thanks for the pics.Joe. Good luck out there. AJ.