Well, didn't get out to MH cause I got stuck at work
, but went out to Ab Bay with Ryan (GF's 12 yr old) on Sun. It was his first real paddle, 2.5 mi out straight into a 15 kt wind! He had to rest a couple times, but he made it.
When we got there, on my first drift I tied into a big weak, saw the pink and silver through the water, but when she saw the boat she ran straight down pulling my rod into the water...I screamed, "sh*t! I gotta loosen the dra-" SNAP! We just sat there and looked at each other...she was a biggun. Unfortunately, by the time I re-rigged the tide started outgoing, very warm and full of garbage, so we got skunked in a place where the fluking is usually great. The honking wind didn't help. Flea, I told you I always get the ebb and contrary wind...
Good thing is, on the way in, I told Ryan to start and I would catch up, but I was barely able to. When I finally did, I saw he was buzzing along with nice big long strokes. He was finally pushing out with his top hand rather than pulling with the bottom hand, and he was cruising. I love seeing the learning process...