Hi All,
I use a Van Staal, Shimano Stradic 4000, Shimano Baitrunner 3500, or Penn Z series (bailess) depending on the plugs I want to throw and the time of year.
Now, the rods get interesting because depending on what you are throwing, a different rod may be in order. For example, those skilled in throwing pencil poppers use a long rod (10ft.) with a very soft tip. They put the butt of the rod between their legs and the tip straight up. They can make that pencil popper do wild things. I do not even try their technique.
I have many custom rods as well as St. Croix. One can certainly use an 8 ft. Ugly Stik and have fun.
I will be throwing LARGE wood plugs soon. Last week, I was using a Shimano Stradic with a St. Croix Avid 8 ft. rod (ASRS80M) throwing white storm shads.
I will use a Van Staal with a custom 8 ft. 6" rod for large wood plugs.
I think an 8 ft. Ugly Stik (BWS 1100/1101/1102) with a Shimano Baitrunner 3500 is hard to beat and will not kill your pocket. You will even be able to use thissetup on a boat, although you may wish to shorten up on the rod.
Fire the questions/comments away!
Capt. Ed