Just rec'd from my good friend Jettyhound (Scribe):
I interviewed the fellow in the attachments on the beach over the weekend for a comprehensive report. Here's how the interview went:
Scribe: Hey feller, nice fish.
Fisherman: Uhh, crap, thanks. Where the hell did you come from?
Scribe: Yardville. It's in New Jersey. What's your name dude?
Fisherman: Ummmmm Bi, Ch, Da, Lar, COLVIN!
Scribe: Well Colvin, that's a beauty of a fish. (I think he bullshitted me on his name; seemed like everyone around the camper was calling him Tim,) Where did you catch it, Colvin?
Colvin: I can't really remember. It was dark.
Scribe: Yeah, fishin' in the dark can get confusing sometimes. No idea at all, huh?
Colvin: Well, I remember hearing waves if that helps ya.
Scribe: So there you have a full report folks. It was caught in the dark in some waves.
Nice fish Tim!