Had a tough decision to make this morning...stay on the couch and watch the all day House marathon on USA or go fishing. I chose the latter.
Hit the park mid morning for the incoming tide.
First cast....short fluke. Within the next hour landed a couple robins and small blue. All took squid strips / Gulp combo.
Had a bunch of other hits that didn't take the hook for the second hour.
The third hour was DEAD as the wind started cranking out of the north east and the water got angry with the storm approaching.
Before the weather changed, lot of bait, lots of birds working and scattered schools of blues.
Watched a pod of dolphins pass by no more then 75ft off the sand.
Not a bad day, especially since that fluke was the my first fish off the beach this year.
Hoping to try again Friday morning as a warm up for Sharks in the Surf friday night.