Had Our first Bonito/ albie trip today...
Headed down to the ridge... Got there and thought we were in.
Got a Nice Spanish Mack instantly... But we trolled around and dint get to many bites...
We could never get a two banger... and had to cover a lot of ground between bites.
Picked a few Bonito, Spanish Macks, Little falsies and Chub macks... But it was never steady and it seemed like they were scattered...
Thought we would have read more sand eels... But didnt read much bait.
Tried Throwing spearing and sand eels/light chum and we caught a few that way and missed somemore But never got steady...
We did see a big Cobia come over and investigate the boat but we couldnt get him to eat...
Then Seas went from pancake Flat to thunderstorms and wind in A flash so we packed it up...
We wound up with With 13 Bonito 6 Spanish Macks, and some small falsies and mackeral.
Hopefully next week will be better for us...
Thanks again guys!!!