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« on: November 02, 2009, 08:49:27 PM »
Posted as a public service.  Shown below are the statements of the three most well known candidates.  For statements from all twelve gubernatorial candidates click here. And remember to vote early and often tomorrow.  ;) ;D


Like you, I’ve lived a New Jersey life. Mary Pat and I have been blessed with the opportunity
to raise four wonderful children here, counting on the fact that some day they will also call New
Jersey their home. But today, we’re all struggling to make ends meet and there isn’t any relief in
sight. We’re facing our highest unemployment rate in 32 years, the highest tax burden in the country,
and quality jobs are leaving our state without any indication they’ll ever return.
We’ve watched for too long as politician after politician has promised the world, only to disappoint
by failing to deliver any results. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen anything different over the
last four years as our state has seemingly missed every opportunity to change the devastating course
in which we’ve been headed. Over the last four years, we’ve seen our taxes raised by $8.9 billion
with our property tax rebates eliminated as property taxes have grown 17%. The last four years
have also brought complete inaction and complacency as jobs have exited our state and unemployment
has doubled. Our current leadership is out of touch with the struggles we’re facing, and after
four years of bad decisions, how can we expect the next four will be any different?
We’re proud, tough, hard-working people here in New Jersey. We don’t want or need government
to manage our lives, and we certainly don’t need it making things worse. First, we will get
state spending reduced and permanently under control. Then we’ll cut taxes across the board.
We’ve been paying too many taxes, only to see our hard-earned dollars wasted over and over again.
We can create long-term, quality paying jobs by investing in our natural resources and focusing on
making New Jersey the leader in manufacturing renewable energy. I will cut red tape to make it easier
for businesses to come back to our state and bring their jobs with them. I’ll bring back our cities
by improving public safety and attracting new business to our downtowns. Most importantly, if this
is finally going to be action, and not just talk, I’ll change the way Trenton operates from the outside in.
As your former U.S. Attorney, I faced a lot of opposition saying I couldn’t combat corruption
in New Jersey. We proved everyone wrong by putting corrupt Republican and Democrat officials
behind bars and saving countless taxpayer dollars from waste, fraud and abuse. I knew we could be
successful because standing up to the special interests in our state is the right thing to do. Changing
the way Trenton operates will not be easy and it will not be without opposition, but I have never
backed down from a challenge. With an aggressive approach and a willingness to do the right thing,
even if it’s tough and unpopular, New Jersey will again be the place we once knew – a place where
quality jobs, smaller government, and lower taxes will make us proud to call our state home again.


For nine years, it has been my highest honor to serve you in the United States Senate, and as
Governor of our great state.
Much has happened since my first campaign for public office. Our nation endured the tragic
attacks of September 11, fought – and continues to fight – two foreign wars, and is now weathering
the longest, deepest economic recession since the 1930s.
But while we live in an era of stark challenges, I’m proud of the great strides that we've taken
in making New Jersey a more progressive and prosperous state.
Because of our achievements, New Jersey is still the best state in the nation to work, live, and
raise a family.
Our household income leads the nation. Our unemployment rate remains lower than the national
average. Our home foreclosure rates are roughly 40 percent below the national average.
We’ve fought climate change by installing more solar panels than any state other than
California, and we’re leading the way in off-shore wind production.
Homicides, crime and traffic deaths are down.
Under my leadership, New Jersey was the first state in the nation to pass an economic recovery
act. Because we got ahead of the problem, New Jersey is poised to recover from this global
recession sooner, and stronger, than other states.
We’ve also proven that government can do more with less. I am the only governor in over six
decades to shrink the size of government. I reduced the state workforce by 7,000 positions and cut
the size of the budget by almost $2 billion. But even as we’ve made government leaner and more
efficient, we have stayed true to our core values.
Here in New Jersey, we believe that every child has a right to quality health care and education.
That’s why my administration added 80,000 more children to the Family Care program and made
New Jersey the second state in the nation to offer universal coverage for children. I also increased
spending for education by $1.8 billion and committed $3.9 billion to school construction, because
I share your belief that every child has a right to learn in schools that are the best in the world. Just
look at the results. Achievement gaps between minority and white students are rapidly closing, and
New Jersey students lead the nation in math and reading scores.
We also believe in the importance of honoring our seniors. That’s why my administration
increased eligibility for the senior freeze, preserved homestead rebates for all seniors, and expanded
home energy and nutrition assistance for the elderly.
Though we have cut the overall size of the state budget, I have committed more money to property
tax relief – over $7 billion – than any other governor in New Jersey’s history.
This election is about values. It’s about nurturing our children, honoring our seniors, protecting
the most vulnerable, and creating a better world for your grandkids, and mine.
Let’s continue the important work we began nine years ago. Working together, no dream is
beyond our grasp.


If you watched the gubernatorial debates earlier this month, you know that we are the only candidates
who have consistently told the truth about what needs to be done to fix New Jersey. The
Republicans and the Democrats have thrown every obstacle at our campaign to stop us -- but they
failed. They said that we would never raise the money for matching funds -- but we did, early on.
They said that we would never gain visibility -- but we have. And now both parties are down to
their last lie: A vote for Daggett-Esposito is a vote for the other party’s candidates. But New Jersey
residents know better: The only wasted vote in this election is for more of the same.
That is why New Jersey residents throughout the state support our campaign. We have the support
of educators who put kids first. We have the support of people who know that a healthy environment
is vital to a healthy economy. We have the support of editorial writers, columnists, and
bloggers who understand that only an independent candidacy, not beholden to special interests, can
make the changes to fix the state we love. We must rein in out-of-control spending and property
taxes. We must reduce New Jersey’s budget deficit, debt and fiscal obligations. We must make New
Jersey’s tax structure more competitive with other states.
As lifelong residents, we have a deep and abiding commitment to New Jersey. I have a doctorate
in education and 20 years of experience in the private and non-profit sectors. I have served as
Deputy Chief of Staff to the governor, Commissioner of the Department of Environment Protection
and Regional Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. In short, I have
devoted my career to improving New Jersey.
My running mate, Dr. Frank Esposito, is the well respected Distinguished Professor of History
and Education at Kean University and a former interim president of the school. He has been active
in K-12 education, particularly school choice legislation and the development of the charter school
program in New Jersey. Together, we will put an end to politics as usual and put our state back on
Republican and Democratic politicians have taxed away your hard-earned money and tarnished
the good reputation of our state. The only thing that they cannot take away from you is your vote.
You do not have to live with the status quo. You do not have to throw away your vote to politics as
usual. You can vote your conscience.
As governor and lieutenant governor, we promise to make the tough decisions needed to revive
the economy and end this cycle of multi-billion dollar budget deficits. New Jersey has the opportunity
to change, but that change will not come from within the two political parties. Only by casting
aside partisan differences and working together can we, the voters of this great state, restore the
prosperity New Jersey once enjoyed.
Please vote for Chris Daggett and Frank Esposito.





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