Ran an open Boat Trip today Mike and John from NY State Chris Bak from southern Jersey and KEvin Zak who won his spot at the NJSWF Dinner.
Day started a little foggy but calm, ran to the back of the bay where we had been catching fish and it was dead. Made a few moves and finally boated 2 keepers just off the Reach.
Wind Kicked up and tide was running strong on the out going, made my move to a spot where the last 3 seasons has produced at this time and these conditions.
Set up on the hook and started smashing clams, took about 30-40 minutes then it started. Picking bass every few minutes, limited the boat on keepers and numerous short throw backs. LArgest fish of the day was 34 1/2"
Had two fisrts for catching a Striper and a first for catching a Strper in Salt Water.
We left them biting. Headed back in and the boys were happy with their bags of prime Striper fillets.