I am offically out of personal days!!
Met with my dad, uncle and his friend at 6 and started hauling ass out the grounds.. could tell my canal traffic that today was gonna be a mess.
630 through the inlet... had to be 75-100 boats on these schools of bunker that you could walk on... turned just to the south and started snagging.. I have never live lined so i was PUMPED!!!
through a few on some weighted lines and kept some snagged on the treble.. picked one nice fish, but everyone and there mother were just sounding the bunker away...
took a gamble and went south away from the fleet.. stopped on marks here and there.. nothing!!... trolled by the pipe... nothing!!..
Had no choice but to head north and join the crowd... now its 1030ish and it was a cluster F*ck out there..Mimi came by so close i could have grabbed there net... bunker kept running north... and once we figured out what level the bass were biting, it was on...
All big bass!!! had to go easy over 40lbs.... 12 fish total, kept 2 that were pretty badly hooked...
its been said before, Best Bass season ever!!... well for me at least..
I swear I am not that weak and i was happy
..but watching my father try to work a digital camera is painful..