Spent most of Saturday getting things done around the house, then by the time we got situated had to drop the top to get under the bridge. Stupid bridge. The black cloud literally followed us out of the creek over to the 11A where the short fluke awaited. This time they were in 35' as opposed to layin' across the bar like last time.
Kind of snotty for where we were, so tried to outrun the cloud to the Keansburg hole. Succeeded in finding the sun, some more shorts, and Tombo who had one in the box already.
Tombo followed us over to Jerry's hole, where I netted Christine's whopper at 18.25". Couple more drifts, (what was the Prowler doing anchored there?) Tombo bailed for Leonardo, we watched the sunset and hit it for the barn.
Sunday Sunday Sunday- early start on Grady de Grillo. Trio of dolphins escorted us from Horseshoe Cove almost to the hook. Cool. Fluke everywhere from SH1 out thru the sticks, down the beach, SHC, guess what - yep- shorts. Again almost ran into Tombo off Gunny, he had the same. Moved in to the Earle fleet for squatchoolie magnums, then back outside. Same story. We had 61 fluke with 17 of them between 17-18".
Two nice days, but Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over? Maybe watch the weather and plan a Mud Hole for sumthin different-- this short shyte is gettin old.