Thanks for the kid words guys, tried to tell the story in my own words and the fisherman printed it as it was written.
Got a lot of positive feedback via this board, phone and email.......
We are back here at the gulf, wish i could say we are accomplishing something but we are not. They don't want us going out on the water and we are on standby. Even though from land we can see slicks of dispersant with oil in them.......
Actually we don't know what is happening, have to get up at o500, go to safety meeting at o6oo and then be by the boaats on stanby until 2 pm....days are like the movie ground hog day....came here to do something, let me do it or tell me to go home.
It seems like we will be doing this rotine until the bottom kill of the well is complete after labor day....I am sure by then I will be stir crazy......only saving grace is when I get back heading to Mass for some Blue Fin Tuna with Capt Mike, my son Matt, Mikes son Matt, Boo Boo and Mayy Murphy