Headed out to the Carteret and got on the troll for a few hours with only a couple of dolphin to show for it.
Switched over to bottom fishing for a bit and picked up some nice tiles and a 25 pound wreckfish.
Got back up on the troll and had a double header of white come up, hooked up with one of them and jumped it off after 4 jumps. Got the stuff back in the water and had another come up and swim behind a few baits for about a minute before taking off.
The night chunk was uneventful for the most part. We did have a pair of sword bites, only came tight on one but pulled the hook after about 4 minutes.
In the morning we gave the troll about two hours before getting back to bottom fishing and picking dolphin off the pots. We landed a handful more of each before calling it a day.
We ended up with 12 tilefish to 30 pounds, 15 dolphin and a 25 pound wreckfish.