If your like me and have been reading those reports of guy's fishing up north in Atlantic Highlands, Belford and Union Beach......STOP reading because you can't get up that way and fish.
We have some great fishing right now here in Ocean County.....The back country is just loaded with Bass from 20" and up.
There are hundreds of docks and dead end streets that can be fished very easy.....The kayak is great....But Im only fishing in 2-3 feet of water right now.
So If your reading this.....Then go fishing and put a couple bass under your belt for the season... I have been catching 2-4 Bass each night on my way home from work just before sun set.......
Plug of choice is the yellow Mambo Minnow....day or night this plug will never let you down....
Hope you get into the bass fishing this spring and if your heading to the beach this weekend and going over the bridge.....Take a good look around on both sides.....There is a lot of water in the bay.....and its thick with Bass and Blues.
Have fun guys
Kayak 1