The new fishing registry is an interesting law imposed by the state of nj. This is supposed to allow a flow of information from fisherman to the state to "help " the fish population in NJ. That sounds good but what about a volunteer registry? The registry in its present form allows the state to fine a fisherman for not registering. Up to $5,000.00. Is this a continuation of our government to invade our rights as free citizens? Who else agrees that fining fisherman who do not register is wrong. Secondly, is this registry a smoke screen for the government to continue to keep a data base on the free citizens of NJ? A volunteer registry with no fines would be acceptable. Is the state creeping in our inalienable rights. Imagine 20 years age or less if you were told you would be fined $5,000.00 if you didnt submit to the government to cast your plug into the ocean from a sandy beach. Unthinkable.