Cathy and I cleared SR inlet about 9am and hualed our butts up to Shrewsbury rocks where we were in touch with Capt. Joe from the Irish Ayes. Joe was off fishing the deeper water while we stayed inside. After weeding through some short fish I banged a decent 5-6 pder on a Pink Spro (THANK YOU BUCTAIL).
Cathy landed a fat 19inch fish dragging her Squid and Spearing Combo. Lost the nice drift and bobbed about move in to the beach and pciked up a couple small doggies moved out and south a bit with some darker clouds starting to move in. Pulled up to Capt. Joe who had moved inshore, Only to get a eye full of Naked Eddie graceing the bow of the Irish Ayes
what a hood ornamnet
. We both moved down to long branch and began to weed through the fish and Cath boxed another just over 18
Nice day on the water