How about this one guys....Heard on the radio today that the C.G. helicopter was patrolling the 3 mile zone, hovered over the Dauntless and asked if he had his federal fishery permits!! At $5,000 an hour to run this operation at the taxpayers expense, are you kidding me!!
It's not like we are dealing with freakin Samoli pirates here!!! Were just fishermen trying to survive.
What if he said no, are they gonna repel officers down onto the boat and take him into custody! Fine him huge money for throwing everything back anyway!
What the hell is going on? American's putting Americans out of business? Are we on the most wanted list now for trying to catching the few fish that we are gracefully allowed?
Total BS
I'd lay 60 to 40 odds come September the Fluke season will be closed early because of all the fish we are catching
Once again, SAD, VERY SAD...........
"I Fish, I Vote, I Marched"