Sunday July 3rd.
Fluking at Sea Grit Reef was slow. Did land a few keeper Sea bass. Headed inshore just south of Shark River inlet and there the small pods of bunker leaping 3 ft in the air. My buddy Bob hooked into a big striper. When we got him/her to the boat I remember my gaff was broken and the net wasn’t quite big enough. Lucky my son was with us. He reached down and yank up the 43lb striper by the gills into the boat. All the fluke we shorts. Also saw a whale leap out of the water.
Saturday July 9th.
My friend and his son from Binghamton come down for a day of fluking. We fished our way north to the red church area and picked at shorts along the way. Nice day and my buddy’s 12 year old son had a blast. His first fishing trip.
Monday July 11
Fluking with my buddy Brandon we ran north to Asbury, then out to Sea Grit reef and then just south of Shark River. Lots of short, a few keeper sea bass.
Tuesday July 12th
My 22 year olds B-Day so it was a day of fluking with his buddy’s. This time we headed south and found a nice pocket of fish off of Bayhead, finally some keepers! Had 40 + fish total with 12 keepers. I little rocky in the morning but the west wind flattened the sea seas by 11.