Hadn Capt Don Jr, Nick C, Steve O and the brothers Chris and Rich out for a day of grind it out fishing! Disappointed when we got to the boat. Somehow a dozen slimy critters slipped their way out of the keeper pail
Man that hurts! Freshened up with a new dozen. We had asians and clams to make the best of the day. Fished the SH channel area with no sniffs on the eels
Headed to the clam beds and dropped the hook. Steve O came back today to redeem himself putting the pin to his first striper. A nice 34" put into the basket. Nick C slams the brakes on one and then Rich. Both were just short. We were with the fleet on the clam bed and perhaps should have been there earlier and left the eels. We moved around a couple of times looking for the next one to come but it never did.
Headed south to some sticky stuff to try and get the tog/CB's to bite. Current was ripping and made it very difficult to set the hook and put ourselves over the structure. We did settle in and as the tide peaked/slacked, the bite started. We hooked a dozen Tog with only one to keep, but we did manage a ton of Doggies and a handful of skates. Made several shifts but couldn't get anything going.
Headed back North to try one more time for the bass drifting eels through the rips. No one was home.
Called it quits at 4.
Enjoyed the day on the water with a group of good guys. Just wish the fish would have cooperated a little more.
We'll get them the next time